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                        Item Entry

Once you have registered, it is time to get started creating tags!


You can enter items and print tags until your drop-off appointment!




1. Login to go to your personal consignor homepage. From this screen, you can create and print tags, manage your inventory, view reports, etc.

2. It is helpful if you first sort your items by clothing, shoes, handbags, etc.  Doing this ahead of time will make the process go faster as all you will have to change from one item to the next is the description and price.

3. To create tags, click on "Work with Consigned Items".

4. Fill in information for item you are creating tag for and hit SUBMIT ITEM. Once you submit, the item will appear in the list at the bottom of the page.

5. Be sure to pay attention to the Discount and Donate option for each item you are creating a tag for.

6. You may choose to continue to add items or choose "I’m finished for now". You do not have to Save anything. All items entered will be automatically saved into your inventory list.


7. Once you have finished and are ready to print tags for the items entered at that point, return to your personal consignor homepage and choose either "Print All Tags" or "Print Selected Tags".


8. Tags do not have to be printed at the time you create them. You can print and re-print at any time. Your inventory list will show you what items you have already printed tags for.


9.  Make sure to disable pop-up blocker.

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